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Hopeland Presented at the 18th IOTE

  • Time:2022-12-28
  • Author:Hopeland
  • Views:1335次
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Hopeland attended the 18th IOTE from 15th - 17th Nov. in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. The exhibition has been a renowned platform to share the latest achievements in IoT, which are related to the findings on sensing, telecommunications, security, artificial intelligence, and other modern technologies. Besides, the meeting constructs a room for the IoT industry, from technological advancement to solution processing, allowing professional groups and companies to show their capability.

Hopeland, a world-leading and experienced enterprise in this industry, was invited to the exhibition. In the 18th IOTE, we present our newest IoT solution, containing hardware and software, to the participants and receive great attention.

Hopeland’s Exhibition at the IOTE

Ever since Hopeland’s founding in 2004, the world-leading enterprise has accumulated experience in providing efficient solutions to facilitate the management of manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and property. For decades, Hopeland has improved its technologies and is a golden partner with IMPINJ, whose advanced chips enable us to update our RFID devices.

The latest rolled-up RFID devices presented at the exhibition boast better stability and reliability and can intelligently work with Eternal protocol, PLC, and data message control systems. All of the updates lower the power consumption while increasing the data reading precision and thus gaining the fastest identification, reading, and storage rate. Now here are some details of the presented RFID devices.

1) E710 UHF RFID Module

Based on the latest Impinj E710 chips, Hopeland has rolled out the E Series UHF RFID modules. It is more integrated, sensitive, and comprised and with lower consumption. The modules avoid electromagnetic interference and process high heat dissipation. Besides, they can match with multiple types of tags, and thus a great facilitator of handheld terminators, fixed readers, and other RFID devices, which can be used in various industries.

2) HT240

As an industrial communication gateway, HT240 uses the PROFINET and PLC networking, supporting networking with different types. The communication module can work with Hopeland’s HT100 Series, HT110 Series, and HT112 Series, fitting the requirement of manufacturing, industries, and logistics industries.

3) HT100W

The industrial-integrated RFID reader is the newest masterpiece from Hopeland. It is powered by Impinj RAIN RFID E510. The RFID reader supports:

1. Support RSSI: Sensing signal strength

2. Support adjustable RF output power

3. Support RS485 / RS232 / RJ45 interface

4. Support Modbus RTU/TCP & Hopeland command protocol (Dual Protocols)

The compact and integrated reader ensures its portability and makes deployment easier. Its flexibility makes it an efficiency booster in the manufacturing and logistics industries.


The IOTE provides the elite in this industry a chance to make their thoughts and products seen by a wider scope of people. This is a milestone as well as an encouragement for us to advance our technologies.

In the future, Hopeland will enjoy the upward spiral and provide industries with more intelligent solutions to accelerate their modernization. Please contact us for more information about Hopeland and its reliable RFID devices.

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