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Meter Calibration DeviceThree-phase Power Meter Calibration Device is suitable for industrial and mining enterprises and electricity meter manufacturers to quickly and in small batches test various single and three-phase electricity meters. It can simultaneously output high stable and accurate parameters such as three-phase voltage, current, and phase, and can also independently adjust phase separation to increase output flexibility.View Details -
Generator Excitation TransformerThis series excitation transformer is the device that provides three-phase AC excitation power for the synchronous generator excitation system. The epoxy cast dry-type excitation transformer not only has the characteristics of high insulation strength, small partial discharge, strong short-circuit resistance, outstanding flame retardant performance, low operating loss, low noise, maintenance-free, and easy installation and commissioning of ordinary dry-type transformers, also has higher energy saving and higher operating efficiency.View Details -
Portable Power Station HL3205
Portable Power StationPortable Energy Storage - Power StationView Details -
Electric Measuring Instrument Calibration DeviceMulti-functional Electric Instrument Calibration Device is a high-precision instrument with three-phase AC and DC output and measurement. The instrument applies three-phase synchronization technology, broadband amplifier technology, digital-analog double closed-loop technology and other advanced technologies to output high-precision three-phase AC and DC voltages, currents, phases, harmonics, power and electrical energy, which is suitable for testing or calibrating all kinds of voltmeter, ammeter, power meter, power factor meter, phasor meter, synchronization meter, power meter and other calibration devicesView Details -
Portable Power Station HL3210
Portable Power StationPortable Energy Storage - Power StationView Details -
Portable Power Station HL3210W
Portable Power StationPortable Energy Storage - Power StationView Details