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RFID Fabric Digital Management Solution Helps the Industry Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency

  • Time:2024-08-21
  • Author:Hopeland
  • Views:486次
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With the increasing expansion of the fabric washing / rental market and the rapid increase in digital supporting facilities in modern factories, the existing manual management can no longer fully meet the current daily fabric management needs. 

Enterprise management often faces three major problems:

1.Difficult to Refine Management

It is difficult to implement fabric management at the single product level, and the accuracy of the total and detailed data such as the number of fabrics and asset value is difficult to guarantee.

2.Low Efficiency of Manual Operation

The collection, handover, inventory and other links are mostly operated manually, and it is impossible to inventory fabric inventory in real time, which is inefficient and has a lag.

3.Heavy Burden of Account Calculation

There are a lot of data such as fabric demand, inventory, and consumption in the case of multiple tenants, which brings a huge workload for its account summary and detailed accounting.

In order to solve these management problems, a set of digital fabric management solutions based on advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, RFID, and cloud computing, and embedded with intelligent hardware devices, came into being. This solution aims to efficiently solve the problems of difficulty in single-item management, delayed distribution and collection, heavy burden of manual inventory, uncontrollable loss, wrong taking of work clothes, and difficulty in settlement and statistics in the daily management needs of leasing, circulation, and washing. Through the combination of software and hardware, it can truly realize the functions of single-item management of inventory, real-time synchronization of inventory, and one-click statistics of accounts; assist management personnel in making fabric management decisions and analysis, and realize digital management of the entire life cycle of fabrics. According to statistics, after a hospital in Shenzhen implemented this solution, the inventory efficiency increased by more than 70%, and the receiving and sending efficiency increased by 40%-50%! The hospital can also realize 24-hour unmanned clothing receiving and sending services with hardware such as smart receiving/sending wardrobes, greatly reducing the risk of hospital infection and improving employee satisfaction.

Four highlights of this solution:

Full-process Digital Management

This solution can be used with a data screen to visualize fabric management data, and update and synchronize in real time, including total inventory, classification management, real-time warning, real-time changes, etc., so that managers can see at a glance and facilitate management.

High-granularity Single Product Management

Realize single product fine management with "one item, one code, one ID", real-time information update, reliable source, any fabric can be traced instantly and effectively in the management system, and once a fabric abnormality occurs, it can be traced with one click.

Accurate and Efficient Cost Accounting

For multi-tenant and multi-user situations, the system can manage data by tenant and user: multi-tenant data isolation, multi-user permission isolation. When calculating expenses, it can also accurately count the data such as the amount of laundry sent, sewage collected, supplemented by each tenant, and settle expenses efficiently and accurately.

Real-time Detection and Automatic Warning

The system can monitor inventory in real time, automatically issue low inventory, full box and backlog warnings, and respond to active warnings in a timely manner, completely getting rid of the situation of untimely inventory processing caused by previous manual inspections.

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